Topics on International Studies (EUNICE)

Κωδικός μαθήματος
Μονάδες ECTS
Εξάμηνο ΣΤ / Η
Κατηγορία μαθήματος
Διδάσκων καθηγητής


Περιγραφή μαθήματος
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The course focuses on a series of specialized topics of International Studies. It combines a broad and inclusive overview of International Studies with a more detailed focus on specific case studies ranging from security issues to emerging powers and from progress in the European integration to the role of Diasporas in the era of globalization. Students will draw upon a wide variety of resources: books, research articles as well as think tank studies and international organizations reports.

Το μάθημα “Topics on International Studies” προσφέρεται από κοινού και στα δυο Τμήματα της Σχολής (ΠΕΔΙΣ και Τμήμα Εκπαιδευτικής και Κοινωνικής Πολιτικής) μόνο εάν  υπάρχουν φοιτητές/τριεςErasmus στο τρέχον εξάμηνο. Εφόσον προσφερθούν, μπορούν να τα επιλέξουν και οι φοιτητές/τριες των δύο Τμημάτων, ΚκΕΠ και ΠΕΔΙΣ.


The aim of this course is to acquaint students with a series of topics on the field of International Relations. 

Students will be presented with a series of case studies within the field of International Studies exploring the various ways in which relevant actors are affecting significant developments. 

By the end of the semester, students are expected to have generated a more in-depth knowledge of International Studies, main theories and analytical frameworks. 

In addition, they will have acquired a broad perspective on current issues in contemporary global politics.

  • Search for, analysis and synthesis of data and information, with the use of the necessary technology 
  • Adapting to new situations 
  • Decision-making 
  • Working independently 
  • Team work 
  • Working in an international environment 
  • Working in an interdisciplinary environment 
  • Production of new research ideas 
  • Respect for difference and multiculturalism 
  • Showing social, professional and ethical responsibility and sensitivity to gender issues 
  • Criticism and self-criticism 
  • Production of free, creative and inductive thinking
1. Introduction to the Fundamentals of International Politics: Agents, Actors, Estructura, Processes
2. The Political Economy of International Relations
3. Τheories of Integration and Disintegration and the future of the European Union
4. Alternative Perspectives in Global Governance: The Islamic Ummah Confronts the Western Paradigm
5. Geopolitics and Security in the Eastern Mediterranean
6. The Privatization of Defence and Security

Comprehending Global risks: The enterprise risk-management approach 

8. Emerging powers and the reformulation of global governance structures


Writing of a full length essay with presentation 

Final Exams 


The course uses extensively the e-class platform for several services (e.g., announcements, distribution of supplementary teaching material, essay topic assignment, submission of essays and feedback on performance). 

In addition, most lectures are delivered with the assistance of projected presentations. 

Final term marks are submitted and announced in a classweb platform (




Final grades of students are based on the evaluation of the submitted and presented essay (75%) and the results in the final exams (25%).


Suggested Readings by Themes 

  1. Introduction to the Fundamentals of International Politics: Agents, Actors, Structure, Processes 

John Baylis, Steve Smith and Patricia Owens (eds.), The Globalisation of World Politics. An Introduction to International Relations, 6th ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014

Henry R. Nau, Perspectives on International Relations. Power, Institutions, Ideas, 3rd ed., Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, 2012 

Stephen M. Walt, “The Relationship Between Theory and Policy in International Relations”, Annual Review of Political Science, Vol. 8 (2005), pp. 23-48

  1. The Political Economy of International Relations 

Oatley, Thomas, ‘Chapter 1’, International Political Economy, 6th edition, (available in Documents_Eclass), Routledge

  1. Τheories of Integration and Disintegration and the future of the European Union 

Mark A. Pollack, 'International relations theory and European integration', JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies Vol. 39 (2), 2001, pp. 221-244.

Hans Vollaard, 'Explaining European Disintegration', The Journal of Common Market Studies Vol. 52 (5), 2014, pp. 1142-1159. 

Douglas Webber, 'How likely is it that the European Union will dis integrate? A critical analysis of competing theoretical perspectives', European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 20 (2), 2014, pp. 341-365. 

Erik Jones, 'Towards a theory of disintegration', Journal of European Public Policy Vol. 25 (3), 2018, pp. 440-451

  1. Alternative Perspectives in Global Governance: The Islamic Ummah Confronts the Western Paradigm

Parekh, Bhikhu. (2008). European Liberalism and 'the Muslim Question' &uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiu7KLq97iAhUzxcQBHcgPDesQFjAJegQICBAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fopenaccess.lei sequence%3D1&usg=AOvVaw3N2HOCyZ6t0BGbYoAD1Bqy

Sachedina, Abdelaziz. (2006). The Role of Islam in the Public Square: Guidance or Governance, Amsterdam, ISIM UKEwiZZShrN7iAhVjzqYKHXgpBkUQFjAAegQIABAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fopenaccess.lei %3Fsequence%3D1&usg=AOvVaw2SX3fu5t-C22A7Pm8YIyp0

Wilson K Erin & Steger B. Manfred (2013), Religious Globalisms in the Post-Secular Age, Globalizations, 10:3, pp. 481-495

  1. Geopolitics and Security in the Eastern Mediterranean

Hasan Selim Özertem, “Turkish Foreign Policy and the Energy Bonanza in the Eastern Mediterranean”, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 18(4) (2016), pp. 361-374

Frans Paul van der Putten, “Infrastructure and Geopolitics: China’s Emerging Presence in the Eastern Mediterranean”, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 18(4) (2016), pp. 337-351.

Andreas Stergiou, “Turkey-Cyprus-Israel Relations and the Cyprus Conflict”, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 18(4) (2016), pp. 357-392

Zenonas Tziaras, “Israel-Cyprus-Greece: A ‘Comfortable’ Quasi-Alliance”, Mediterranean Politics, 21(3) (2016), pp. 407-427.

Kivanç Ulusoy, “The Cyprus Conflict: Turkey’s Strategic Dilemma”, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 18(4) (2016), pp. 393-406

  1. The Privatization of Defence and Security 

Tzifakis, N. (2012). Contracting out to Private Military and security Companies. Brussels: Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies

Leander, A. (2005). The market for force and public security: The destabilizing consequences of private military companies. Journal of Peace Research, 42(5), 605- 622.

Tzifakis, N. (2010). The Privatisation of Defence and Security: Risks and Opportunities. In: C. Arvanitopoulos and K. E. Botsiou (Eds) The Constantinos Karamanlis Institute for Democracy Yearbook 2010. Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 63-71.

Tzifakis, N., & Huliaras, A. (2015). The perils of outsourcing post-conflict reconstruction: Donor countries, international NGOs and private military and security companies. Conflict, Security & Development, 15(1), 51-73.

  1. Comprehending Global risks: The enterprise risk-management approach 

Olson, D. L., & Wu, D. D. (2017). Enterprise Risk Management Models.Springer.(Skim through)

Klüppelberg, C., Straub, D., &Welpe, I. (Eds.).(2014). Risk -- a multidisciplinary introduction.Springer. (Part I) 

Raczkowski, K. (Ed.). (2017). Risk Management in Public Administration.Springer. (Mostly Ch.1, skim through Ch.3, Ch.4, Ch.7, Ch.10)

  1. Emerging powers and the reformulation of global governance structures 

Wang, H. (2017). New multilateral development banks: Opportunities and challenges for global governance. Global Policy, 8(1), 113-118

Armijo, L. E., & Roberts, C. (2014). The emerging powers and global governance: why the BRICS matter. Handbook of emerging economies, 503-520. 

Kahler, M. (2013). Rising powers and global governance: negotiating change in a resilient status quo. International Affairs, 89(3), 711-729

Thakur, R. (2014). How representative are BRICS?. Third World Quarterly, 35(10), 1791-1808. 

Keukeleire, S., & Hooijmaaijers, B. (2014). The BRICS and Other Emerging Power Alliances and Multilateral Organizations in the Asia‐Pacific and the Global South: Challenges for the European Union and Its View on Multilateralism. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 52(3), 582-599